I’m enjoying observing the very special relationship between women and their horses. Maria and Chloe are constantly communicating with one another, and it is remarkable to see the ways in which Maria can get this big and headstrong animal to do what she wants her to do.
They communicate without too many words, with a lot of feeling. Trust is important, so is patience. In the morning we put Chloe in the old work horse stall she eats her morning hay in there and has a couple of quiet hours, which seem to ground her. Then, she follows Maria around like a puppy as the stall is cleaned.
I like the trust I see between them, and the unspoken but very visible affection. Talking to animals is better than dominating them. (You can pre-order my new book “Talking To Animals” and get a free tote-bag if you get the book from Battenkill Books, my local bookstore. I will sign and personalize it. Order here.)