My son-in-law Jay Jaffe thinks Robin looks much as he did when she was a baby, but I think Robin looks a great deal like Winston Churchill did when he saved England from the Nazi’s in World War II. All she needs is a cigar and a glass of brandy.
Robin seems to be amused by the world, quick to smile, and already at ease with Pearl, the wonderful Yellow Lab Emma took from the first Bedlam Farm to live in England. I am happy Pearl has hung on long enough to meet Robin and hang out with her a bit, I think she wanted to meet her.
So Robin is sitting up and putting a wry and wise gaze onto the world. I am thinking of going to see her again next week, before her mother returns to her work as a senior editor at Sports Illustrated. A sense of humor is important in life, so is some perspective, and Robin seems to be developing both traits early on.
Perhaps we can make some trouble together. Pearl is a sweetheart, she is all love. And food.