Kelly Nolan has changed, I realized tonight when I took her photo. She is no longer wearing a pony tail, she has the same kind of businesslike grace she always shows, even when swamped with work. It was quiet in the Bog tonight, I told Kelly I wanted to experiment with my infrared camera by taking a portrait of her, my first with the IR camera.
This camera sees light differently than I can – the photography of the unseen – and I wasn’t sure what would happen in the low light of the Bog’s bar. I liked the result, it was a different perspective on Kelly, her smile was just as warm and genuine, there is a steadiness about Kelly, the face of a person who knows who they are and is comfortable with who they are.
I want to try some more portraits with the IR camera, especially of animals. Since the light spectrum in animal’s eyes is different that that of people, the camera sees them differently. I think this photo is beautiful, evocative.