Some dogs have a gift for service and therapy work, there is some training, for sure, but you can’t train a dog to have heart or soul or the exquisite sensitivity required to connect with people in need. Our friend Mike came to visit us today, he is a veteran who uses a service dog to help him be safe and focused in certain situations.
He came to the farm Wednesday and watched Red and Fate work, and when he sat down to talk with us Red came over to him and stayed by his side the entire time he was here. Red has this gift to sense people who are in need of him, he can look into the soul of people who need his attention.
He didn’t come up to anyone else this afternoon, just Mike and I was absolutely certain he was sensing just what Mike’s dog senses back at home, and he was helping Mike be grounded and safe. Red always knows who to go to and who not to go to. This is not the result of training, Red has intuition that is powerful and healing.
He has the very special gift of the Therapy Dog.