I don’t much like it when people call me at home and interrupt my work and ask me to do things. And here I was, sitting in a Brooklyn campaign office – Hillary Clinton’s campaign office – and calling strangers up and letting them know that they can come in an volunteer.
I was uncomfortable at first, but not for long. My reporter head came back and I remembered how much I loved to work the phone. One editor said I had an amazing gift for getting people to talk on the phone. “Once you get somebody on the phone, he have them,” he said, “they don’t get off without talking to you.” Made me proud.
I reeled in one after another, signed them all up – at least five or six before the phones went dead. And I didn’t even come to make any phone calls, I came to take care of Robin while my daughter made phone calls. I think it is true that sometimes we are led to do things we don’t even mean to do or know we should do.
I’ve learned later in life to accept things, and not to ponder them too, too much. I do things almost every other day that I have never done before, and that is certainly the way I want to live, the way to truly keep alive.
I think I ended up in the right place at the right time with the right women. Robin was unimpressed.