Our Open House begins today, and we are still scrambling to get ready – putting up labels for the art, moving the animals around, getting chairs out, hanging our banners. It’s going to be a cloudy day, but no rain until tonight, and tomorrow is supposed to be clear and chilly. Good weather for an Open House.
When you next see an image of the Romney’s, they will look quite different, they will be shorn. Shearer Jim McRae is coming at 2 p.m. and we will get a good look at that beautiful wool. I think he will have their hands full, the Romney’s are imperious and strong-willed.
Red and I put them in the side pasture, we’ll move them into the Pole Barn around 1 p.m. The donkeys and pony are on the other side of the farmhouse.
Susan Smith and Suzie Fatzinger, two skilled weavers, are coming to spin, Ed Gully and Carol will be here, possibly with a cow. Three poets will read from their work, including our great friend Mary Kellogg. Hopefully, politics will not be mentioned all day, we want everyone to have a good and meaningful time.
As we did in the Spring, we are asking for voluntary $5 donations to defray the cost of the Open House, we have deployed the art that Maria has assembled out in front of the pasture fence. Her studio is crammed full of fascinating things. I’ll check in when I can with more photos.