I hadn’t noticed this photograph of my daughter and her daughter, Emma and Robin, that I took in New York City last week, tableau of love, connection and vulnerability. Seeing this photograph brought out some considerable emotion in me, daughter to daughter, my own blood and heart in both of them.
I could see in the photograph how much Emma loves her new daughter, and how at east Robin is with her mother. I suppose motherhood is an idea. A friend showed me something Bono said about America in an interview this morning, he said there were lots of countries, but that America was an idea: equal justice for all, under the law.
That’s what I would like for my daughter and granddaughter, I think, to live in a country that was still about this idea. I hope Robin gets to know about that idea, it gave birth to her family in many ways.
Two daughters, set off on a new chapter in both of their lives.