![Thanks Kelly](https://www.bedlamfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Portrait-Reception-Thanks-Kelly-944x630.jpg)
Kelly Nolan is the star of my portrait show, and she will always be the star of my portrait work. I first began photographing her at the Foggy Notion Tavern (a/k/a “The Bog”) known for it’s excellent hamburgers. Four nights a week Kelly tends bar and waits and busses tables all by herself. She is a strong woman, she is fearless with the camera and completely at ease with herself, she is patient, competent, full of grace.
I have been taking photos of her just about every week all summer, and they are a hit on my blog, if I miss a week, I hear about it, people want to know where Kelly is. When she had a $1,300 vet bill to pay for saving her dog and two puppies, people on my blog paid the bill for her in two days.
She is a star in my book, a testament to what beauty and grace truly is. I was so glad she came to the show reception today, she’s also coming to the Bedlam Farm Open House on Columbus Day Weekend. She said she has no idea why her photos have generated so much attention, she is, she said, just “rolling with it.”