This morning, I put a photo up on the blog of Fate’s contemplative side, and this afternoon, I’m putting up a portrait of her other side, her pirate side. As you know, Fate has a Merle eye, common in some species, simply a genetic pattern, safe unless two Merle dogs are bred together. People often ask if Fate’s Merle eye is the reason the sheep don’t respect or fear her, but lots of great herding dogs have Merle eyes.
Fate is lacking in the “eye stalk,” I think the final stage of border collie prey drive that causes the sheep to fear them and respond. She is a beautiful and healthy dog, and the eye adds to her very distinctive personality. When I mow the lawn, Fate marches back and forth behind me, she never runs towards or near the road.
She has mastered any word that has anything to do with “work,” “sheep,” “pony” or “pasture” and is at the door in a flash. She is fond of hopping up on a stool and then hopping sideways onto my lap. Five minutes of belly-scratching, then time to wrestle. She has friends at the hardware store, the farmstand, the town recycling station and almost every place we stop or shop.
Fate is crazy about people – all people – and wags excitedly when she sees anyone on foot. She especially loves our Open Houses, and has also learned to stick her nose in open purses and bags trawling for food. She will be greeting visitors at our October Open House on Columbus Day Weekend.
We are slowly training her not to jump on people, she sometimes still gets carried away, but she loves to hug and cuddle and show offer her mad racing around the sheep.
That weekend, the shearer will be here to trim the Gang Of Four, the farrier will be here to trim the equine hooves, poets will give talks (so will I), Maria will talk about her forthcoming trip to India, artist Susie Fatzinger will be spinning and showing her beautiful fingerless gloves and hats. Maria will be curating a very special art show featuring six or seven different artists with original, affordable work.
Open House details on Maria’s website.
Ed Gulley will be talking about the life of a dairy farmer.
Red will be here, also. Lots of sheepherding and dog and future book talk from me.