I have been so fortunate in my life with the dogs, one great dog after anther. I choose them carefully and thoughtfully, I train them lovingly and conscientiously, I treat them well and love them much. In return, one after another, they enter my life, enrich it. Dogs have been a profound element in my emotional work and recovery they have, one by one, helped me to be a better, more loving and open human being.
Fate is an usual dog, super-charged with energy, curiosity and joy. In another context, we could have driven one another mad. She has fit like a glove into our lives. As we wished, Fate is primarily Maria’s dog, she spends almost all of every day with her, going in and out of her studio, walking with her in the woods, riding with her in the car.
The two fit together, their energetic and loving and kinetic personalities meshing perfectly. I am also crazy about Fate, we wrestle, she makes me laugh, we more or less work the sheep together. We are totally in sync. Yesterday, she was in a rare posture of contemplation, I told her to stay and lay down on the ground and took this portrait of her thoughtful side. She is one of the great dogs.