Sheep eat low, goats and donkeys eat high. The sheep gum the grass, they don’t tear it out of the ground, they don’t pull up the roots (like some ponies I could mention.)
– It’s supposed to be near 100 degrees today and tomorrow with very high humidity, so we opened up the pasture early this morning and will let the animals graze again tonight, after it gets dark. The sheep eat for awhile, they go lie down in the Pole Barn for awhile. Chloe the pony will stay out there all day, rain or sun, snow or ice, I don’t think she would ever stop eating.
– My Saturday writing class resumes tomorrow for one meeting, then we’re off again until Labor Day. Vacations, camps, etc..
-This afternoon, I’m doing a graduation portrait shoot for the daughter of a good friend, not something I usually do, but Lilly will be fun to photograph. Bringing two cameras and a light stand.
(Can you find Red in this photo?)