Every day, especially in the heat, I give Chloe a bath, it’s one of my favorite chores. She seems to love it, and it amazes me that this big animal stands so still and happily – she literally whinnies with joy – and keeps giving me kisses on the nose while I hose her down. I admit I am growing closer to Chloe and enjoying her, she has a lot of personality. She will stand and get hosed down forever – the donkeys run away when they hear the nose, they will have none of it.
It has been hot here this week, the bath seems a good thing to do.
The water also helps chase the flies off her, she is very warm sometimes, grazing in the sun, and it takes awhile to cool her down. Then she rolls in mud. Chloe and I are communicating, this is a form of talking a way to build trust. She seems to me a very happy and loving pony, she fits so well into our lives.
I love my new chore, as is obvious.