![No more raiding the kitchen](https://www.bedlamfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Training-Fate-The-Counter-Wars-Are-Over-944x717.jpg)
I’m happy – and a bit surprised – to report that the counter-raiding struggles with Fate are over, she no longer pulls food off of the counters or even pays much attention to what it up there. This week I tested her with chicken sausage, ravioli, cheese and crackers. I stood across the hall and watched her walk by the sausages – right on the edge of the counter – sniff up at them and go lie down.
I thought this would be a much longer and more protracted training issue, but it took about two weeks. Fate is smart enough to raid the counter if she really wants to, and smart enough to figure out it is forbidden.
I did this a number of ways. Once when she approached the counter with food on it, I threw a choke chain ahead of her and bounded it off of the cabinet. She backed away quickly.
Once I put a mousetrap up on the counter and Fate was watching me carefully – she misses absolutely nothing – and the trap snapped closed by itself. It was a loud crack and the trap flew onto the floor and Fate was startled and backed out of the room. Once as she approached the counter I said “no” sharply, and waved her back and away from the food.
Truthfully, the combination of those things seemed to do it. Fate pays no attention to the counter, she doesn’t approach it, sniff it, or study it in any way. This week, we’ve begun leaving her loose in the horse if we are out for short trips or errands. I left some crackers and other food there, it was untouched.
She’s had a half-dozen or so opportunities to raid food from the counter, she hasn’t done it, so I pronounce her trained, and I am glad. I don’t like having a dog you have to worry about and watch all the time, it poisons the relationship. I don’t wish to be shouting at her or watching her like a hawk.
Fate is the smartest dog I have ever had, and I have had some smart ones. I believe my visualizations also helped. Visualizing is not voodoo, it is simply imagining what you want to happen with focus and clarity. Dogs read every part of us, our smells, movements, emotions.
If Fate understands clearly that you don’t want her to do something, she stops doing it (except sometimes jumping on people when she gets excited, that’s the last one.) I’m surprised she got this so firmly, and so fast. Working with her is a treat.