I have my own weather channel, it is the sky above the highway next to the farmhouse. I step out in the morning, sometimes at night, and look up and the sky tells me what it needs to know. This has been a remarkable week for the sky, it is bursting with stories and drama and glory. Yesterday it told me that a front was passing through, a large storm with heavy winds was driving right up the road and would soon be over the farmhouse.
I could see the headlights of the car well down the road, speeding along with the storm, trying to get ahead of it. He or she didn’t.
I analyzed my weather findings, I looked at the sky and had enough of a conversation for me to turn off my computer, get the animals out of the big pasture and closer to the Pole Barn and shelter and close a few windows. My storm whispered to me right outside the window, “I am here, I am on my way, you will pay attention to me and to my Mother, the Earth.” So I did, and I am.
The wind began to howl up the road, and there was a driving downpour that made it impossible to my road.