When I first saw this quilt, a few months ago, I was surprised, I just saw the two eyes staring out, and at first it seemed dark to me. Of course, I’ve been watching Maria do her art for some years now, and I was eager to see how this very new and different creation would evolve. In it, I saw all of her themes and inspirations – women, nature, paganism, feminism, mythology, animals and spirits, Native-American culture.
At first, I think these were the eyes of an owl, they morphed into the eyes of a vulture, the eyes filled with magic, as did the quilt itself. I love how Maria always manages to juxtapose images of feminism and female enslavement along with her Goddesses and angels.
This quilt became mystical before my eyes, it has its own special mojo and messages, it isĀ rich in symbolism and emotion. She is just about done, finishing it up today, and I am blown away by it, it comes from another new dimension in her very fertile imagination. Like her, it just grew and grew. She will put it up for sale later today for $500 (plus shipping), unless someone has already spoken for it. Details on her blog.