I went over to Pompanuck Farm for my weekly writing/Tai Chi barter lessons. We did neither, as often happens. Scott was exhausted from long days and nights working in his cafe. We talked and touched base with one another, made sure we were both okay.
We sat and talked by the pond at Pompanuck until I saw that Scott was just too exhausted to do more than that. I urged him to go take a nap before his next Tai Chi lesson. The truth is, I enjoy our time together as much or more than the lessons. This is how friendships are built. It is not always simple for men to build friendships, especially when both of them are so busy.
We have never given up on it.
Scott is still raising money for his gofundme project to raise money to buy the building his cafe is in. He has raised $60,000 so far, he is seeking another $15,000. I believe he will get there. The project is called “Saving Community,” and that is what it is about. All over America, people understand the importance of community, they are supporting this project. It means the world to us here.
Rural towns and cities have lost so much of their community to box stories, economists, corporate greed and government indifference. Scott and Lisa Carrino are righting to save ours.
Fate and Red came with me to Pompanuck. Red sat quietly near us. Fate explored every inch of the place, chasing a cat, eating compost, swimming in the pond pursuing fish, disappearing into the woods. She always came back, to touch noses. Fate shows her love by touching noses.
I happened to be holding my IR camera in my lap. She is as loving as she is energetic and curious. She growled and bark and stalked an object near the pond, it turned out to be a dark green plant.