Maria has done an amazing job of building up our gardens – we now have five. They have all been expanded, weeded, moved, trimmed, fertilized, lovingly planted, watched and watered (that is my job.) Apart from the Lazy Susans, I have no idea what any of the flowers are, I just can’t retain the names.
I’ve learned that gardens take a great deal of work, vigilance, patience and creativity and trips to the hardware and garden store. I used to think you just put the seeds or flowers into the ground. I see the digging, re-arranging and thoughtful care that goes into planting. It has taken several years for this garden to really come of age, and Maria has all sorts of plans to improve and expand it.
Gardening perfect for energetic and gifted obsessives. Frogs and snakes and mice and moles and bees hang out happily in ours, except when the barn cats strike.
For that, you need better knees than I have. But I have come to love and appreciate our gardens, they have added so much to our house, our farm, or connection with the natural world.
Gardeners are a particular breed, I will never take a garden for granted again.