Our friend Deena Chappell sang at the Round House Cafe Friday night with the Poet’s Graveyard Band. Pizza night, featuring Scott’s new efficient pizza oven, is expanding, it moves outside in nice weather, it was inside Friday. The cafe was jammed, it becomes more of a community center every day.
Scott’s gofundme project has met more than half of its goal of $75,000. Money is still coming in. Scott has less than $20,000 to go to be able to buy the building that the cafe is located in, it officially goes on sale in September. People have donated from all over the country to support the idea of community.
Deena Chappell is a singer and musician, she moved recently from Cambridge to Saratoga, there is a lot of live music there, almost every night. She is much attached to our small town, even as she moves ahead with her life.
Pizza night on Fridays has begun a bigĀ deal in our town. We got a white pizza with mushrooms and sausage. ScottĀ has pulled it off, and now that the cafe has a beer and wine license, the place is busier than ever. Scott is fighting for community, he and Lisa are much loved and supported in our town.