Every morning, Maria meets with Lulu and Fanny. She crouches down, and first one donkey, then the other, edge closer to her and lean in, as if they are all whispering to one another. They talk without words, a connection beyond understanding. I love Maria, but more than that, I discover more and more every day what a remarkable person she is, how many gifts she possesses.
The can talk to the imperious and independent donkeys, they share much with one another, she can repair a fence, make a quilt, curate an art show, put an air conditioner in, garden, patch a roof, read a book in a couple of days, open her heart to people and animals. She is astonishingly versatile and competent. It’s odd, but I didn’t really know all of this when I married her, yet I saw it inside of her, as she saw so much inside of me.
I get a morning meeting too, like the donkeys, I relish it every day. Donkeys don’t just talk to anybody.