In my life, I have been blessed with some wonderful dogs. I’m not sure why this is so, or how this happened, but as I have written, dogs have marked the passages of my life. I came across this photo this morning and wanted to share it with you, as so many of you have been on this journey with me.
From the left:
Lenore, the Love Dog, she kept love alive for me when I was alone needed it the most.
Rose, an extraordinary dog who saved my life, watched my back, gave me the strength and courage to weather the first hard winters of my new life.
Pearl, now living with my daughter Emma. A champion show dog, a beautiful dog with a simple psyche and great heart, she has had a long and wonderful life in Brooklyn.
Frieda, the Helldog, a man-hater whose job was to keep men away from Maria and protect her. She succeeded in both, and I had a wonderful year training her and earning her trust. It was not easy.
And Izzy, my first hospice dog, he chased sunsets with me when first began taking pictures.
These are spirit dogs. They came when they were needed, they left when they were ready. Each one made me a better human, as good dogs will do. Each are very different from the other, each changed me. It is great to see them together once more and to say hello. Goodspeed to you, great dogs, may your days be full of love and joy and freedom.