22 June

The Open House: New Ideas

by Jon Katz
New Ideas
New Ideas

Some modest innovations at the Open House:

We painted the farmhouse.

We surrounded it with gardens.

We bought a chalkboard to welcome people and announce the schedule of events.

We put an old barrel out with a box for voluntary $5 donations to help defray the cost of the Open Houses. They remain free.

Fate will be demonstrating her unique style of sheep-herding, now that she is more than a year old. Red and Fate will be performing, as it were, throughout the day.

Our shearer and farrier will both be present, shearing at l p.m. equine trimming at 3 p.m. She sheep are more than ready to be sheared.

My friend Cathy Stewart, a seasoned community and political organizer in New York City, will help me stay organized and focused. Compared to what she usually deals with, this should be fun.

We have a pony named Chloe. She is friendly and push and loves carrots.

Jackie Thorne will read poetry from her new book “Gone To Ground.” Three other poets – Mary Kellogg, Tom Atkins, Kate Rantilla – will read from their work. I will talk a bit about my next book and life on the farm.

Some old and familiar things as well. George Forss will be  here doing portraits. This is the best bargain in the art world, George is one of the world’s most famous urban landscape photographers.

Maria has found a slew of talented new artists selling and showing work that is original, inexpensive and wonderful – Tote bags, quilts, batik, landscape and modern paintings, earrings, potholders, hanging pieces, books.

We don’t shape the Open House as much as the Open House shapes us. We call this one “The Art Of Rural Life.” That is what it is.  We are celebrating creativity, encouragement, art and our lives here in Cambridge, N,Y. We want to share our happiness and our lives with animals with other people.

More details here.

We will have two portable toilets on  hand

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