![The Wisdom Of Tom Atkins](https://www.bedlamfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Open-House-The-Wisdom-Of-Tom-Atkins.jpg)
Tom Atkins is a friend, he is a good and generous man. He does much good for many people, and I treasure our occasional cups of coffee together at the Round House Cafe.
Tom is a viscerally creative man, spiritually and creatively. He is a pastor of the Rupert, Vt. Methodist Church, a poet, photographer, painter and essayist. Tom is also a co-administrator of the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm.
Saturday, he is coming to the June Open House to be part of the “Art Of Rural Life” celebration we are having here this weekend, June 25-26. Tom will read some of his poems and also selling his book “The Wisdom Letters,” a compilation of correspondence over decades with a friend from graduate school.
It is deeply moving book, read by many thousands of people. So are Tom’s poems, they are honest, uplifting, troubling and thought-provoking. He will be joining several other published poets Saturday afternoon, after the sheep-shearing and before the donkey-trimming. It will be a neat day.
We have a lot going on -art, sheepherding, donkey-visiting, talks and readings.
Tom also publishes a beautiful blog, Quarry House.
You can see a video of Tom reading his poetry and learn more about the Open House on Maria’s blog.