Driving down an old and beautiful country road, Friday, I looked through a thick stand of shade trees and saw an old abandoned family farmhouse peeking out through the trees. It was a sad sight, because I could almost feel and touch the kids playing in the yard, the cows out back in the barn, the rusting tractors were still out in the field.
Ghosts and spirits everywhere. It is easy to say there are too many farmers, if one is not a farmer. It is easy to see they must surrender their way of life and move over to make room for the hordes of city people who use the country mostly for pleasure and weekend retreat from lives that exhaust them and jobs they mostly hate.
These people never have to worry about having enough to eat, and they never to bother worrying about where the food they eat comes from.
Family farms are dying everywhere, and I could feel the business and purpose of this one, another ghost farm hiding out behind bushes and trees off the road. This photograph touched me, it captured something for me.