You don’t appreciate something like water until you lose it. The water stopped flowing here this morning, and on a farm with animals, water has a lot of special meaning. I have a list of good people to call in emergencies, and our list usually starts with our neighbor and friend Jack Macmillan, who knows how almost everything works.
He came over and is working in basement now. (I rarely set foot in the basement but I admire our amazing foundation work, sturdy as a fortress and dry all year. Jack is messing with the points on the pump, we have a point well, not a deep well. We called the town’s plumber, but everyone says he list a relative this weekend, best not to call him for a few days.
I called Vince Vecchio, a big and smart man in a truck, he said on the phone it was probably the points on the pump and he was sure Jack could fix it. I called Jay Bridge, our friend and carpenter (an engineer) and he said he could come help if Jack couldn’t fix it
We are cooking up some alternate plans for getting water to the animals, we hope it’s not more serious. Jack is on the case.