I do not consider myself a religious person, but my camera is always drawn to religious people, and so am I, and to faces like that belonging to Peter Bailey, a pastor at the Coila Church, just outside of my town of Cambridge. People of faith make for good portraits, perhaps because they have an interior presence and belief that radiates out and can be captured by a lucky photograph.
Peter Bailey is like that, his face deserves to be captured, as does Kelley at the Bog and a number of other people who exist in my life. I am drawn to portraits in my photography, I’ve opened an account to start saving up for an 85 mm portrait lens. In the meantime, my 35 mm and 100 mm are holding their own.
Peter is an easy going man, he loves music nearly as much as he loves God, and often plays his guitar and sings at the Round House, bringing parishioners and townspeople with him. He is new to our town, but he brings much light and warmth to us. Like me, he is drawn to the Round House Cafe and its sense of community. I’m hoping Peter will become a regular part of my portrait gallery, a record of the people in my life.
He is one of those strong men and women and face the camera bravely and without hesitation.