The Three Sisters Garden, a labor of love if ever there was one, is finished, at least for now. Maria says it is an organic thing, it will be planted and re-planted every year, she will learn and grow along with it. She planted about twelve seeds, a mix of corn, beans and squash. She put a chicken wire fence up around it to keep the deer, chickens and rabbits away.
We seeded and watered it and put some straw down. The corn will come up first, then the beans, the the squash, if everything goes well. I will follow the garden’s progress on the blog, so will Maria. She wrote about it today.
I’m not precisely sure why, but this garden feels like a big deal to both of us. It says something about who we are, and who we are determined to be, in a sometimes hard and confusing world. It speaks of nurture, it symbolizes humanity and community. Caring for one another in the time of ugly and angry news.