About six weeks ago, we decided to go look at the ocean, the closest water to us was in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. It was snowing, a nasty ice and snow storm had set in, and I told Maria that the forecast called for more snow and ice, we should postpone or two day trip.. She called me a “snow pussy,” and of course, being male, I folded.
A three hour drive became a seven-hour drive in sleet and snow and ice, cars slid all over the road, turned over, collided and ditched. It was a white-knuckle and insane drive. The snow pussy should never have caved. “You should have stopped us, ” said my wife with a straight face. She pays no attention to storms or weather. Her rule is if we can walk to the car, we can drive anywhere.
Tomorrow, we are heading for the water again, to spend three days reading and sitting by the ocean and eating sea food and talking and walking.
These days, long vacations are out, so we have perfected the inexpensive two or three day blitz. The motel owner loves my blog and gave us a great rate of $100 a night with a view of the ocean. In my glory days, I had dinners in New York City that cost more than this vacation will.
We will not be heading to the shore in the summer, this is the last week before the rates shoot up.
The weather is, of course, uncertain, and my friend Ed Gulley wasted no time in letting me know it: From Ed by text: “Hey snow pussy! They heard you were coming so they had some snow last night in Vermont and New Hampshire. Probably better insulate the thong!”
We are setting sail, I replied, the Snow Pussy is unstoppable.
We are excited. We just went and bought cereal, bananas, apples and pears, and a bar of dark chocolate. The room has a kitchenette with a refrigerator, we can have most meals right in the room we will save the seafood and dinner. Lots of walking, I’m bringing the monochrome.
The only catch is the weather. It was cold last night.
It snowed last night in the hills around here and in parts of Vermont and New Hampshire. The snow pussy is nervous once again, but the deposit for the room is not refundable and we need a short break. I won’t even suggest waiting a day for warmer weather.
And perhaps we will luck out and get some sun this time. Some of the arcades may be opening, I’m eager to take some photos. The snow pussy is combing the forecast, he can’t find any suggestion of snow and ice tomorrow. So the Snow Pussy rides again.
We will be back at the end of the week, and, as usual, I am not bringing a computer. We deserve a break from one another, I have a million things I want to write. But a few days rest will be welcome, for the body, mind and soul. Much love to you. I’ll check in tomorrow before we leave, the Snow Pussy is brave and determined. But he is leaving his computer behind. The blog needs some rest also.