I took the dogs out for a late afternoon walk in the deep woods, Maria was tied up working on one of her quilts – we do not see one another generally during the day – and I wanted to check on my wild turkey egg. I saw the great change in the woods. Buds appearing on the trees, the meadow forming on the ground, flies and mosquitoes appearing.
The dogs are busier sniffing, checking out the smells, listening for chipmunks and squirrels, more birds in the trees, the trees themselves seem more alive, they are stirring, talking to one another, bursting with green. The trees are beginning to form a canopy, the light will be thinner, the woods darker and even more mysterious.
The forest reminds me that I think I have grasped the light, when suddenly it escapes, radiating elsewhere. I pursue it, hoping to catch it, but I can’t. I can not bring myself to leave, I keepĀ pursuing it, but it is only visible for an instant, it is gone in a flash, it disappears. I don’t despair, it always returns, it needs to be seen.