8 May

Weekly Portrait. Kelly Nolan’s Smile

by Jon Katz
Kelly Nolan-Strong Woman
Kelly Nolan-Strong Woman

One day I’d love to have a photo show, I’d call it Kelly Nolan’s smile. I wasn’t sure how Kelly and the blog would take my love of portraiture when I started, but she set the tone. “Sure,” she says, “go for it.” Her smile is a beautiful and natural and radiant thing.

I went up to the barn tonight with my black and white monochrome camera, and a woman was sitting in front of her. When I approached, she ducked, and I said “thanks for being so gracious about my photo-taking.”

“Oh, no problem,” Jon, “I read your blog every day and see the pictures of Kelly, we love her smile as well.”

Kelly is a strong woman, she does not pose of bow to the camera in any way, she is just herself. I live in my own loop, I think, I’m not aware that people see what I do and talk about it, but I meet people every day who see the Kelly photos and look for them.

This has become a weekly thing, this portrait of Kelly at work at the Bog (Foggy Notions). The photos are a celebration of smiles, graciousness, community and courtesy.

Smiles are connecting, and healing. Kelly works in a vortex, behind a bar in a crowded and popular restaurant, taking care of things by herself. She never loses the smile, and it is the most beautiful smile.


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