Some years ago, I set out on the hero journey, to find out who I am. The final step of the journey, famed in story and myth, is called “Return Of The Elixir.”
In this final page, the aging and battered and somewhat wiser hero returns home or continues the journey, bearing some element of the treasure that has the power to transform the world as the hero has himself been transformed. I am a different person than the one who came up to live in a cabin on a mountain 15 years ago.
The first thing you have to know about the hero journey is that the travelers are generally not heroes, nor are they wiser than anybody else. But they have learned things along the way, the one of the final and most meaningful stages of life is to share what one has seen and learned to people who wish to learn from it, and make their own journeys and choices.
This is why I resumed teaching, something I was always wary of, and when I was really open to it, this amazing class of people found me and one another and we have set off on a creative journey together. Five of the people in the class are working on books that I believe will be published, either by themselves orĀ by commercial publishers.
One student has taught me the meaning of courage, she has used her words and her art to heal and share her great gifts in words and images.
Another is a loving physician who bravely has continued her struggle to be a humane doctor for her patients, and is writing beautifully about it.
A former reporter has begin a lyrical novel about the tragedy of Atlantic City, a once magical town raped and abandoned by corrupt politicians and greedy casino owners.
A much loved school teacher is using words and stories to cope with the loss of her beloved husband and keep his memory alive.
Another is determined to piece together a beautiful story about a bird that carries the spirits and memories of the dead.
Another is writing about her lost adventure, her desire to wander the world, and her determination to recover it.
One paints beautiful landscapes, another has put together a beautiful book of her essays and poetry. Another young and powerfully gifted writer seeks her voice amidst a frantic life of work and parenting.
A retired minister finds a new voice in irony and a bitingly funny way of looking at the world.
A dairy farmer has found a way to speak to the world with humor and honesty about his embattled way of life.
These students teach me every Saturday. They teach me generosity, they are so supportive of one another.They teach me openness, they are confronting their demons and exploiting them to find their creative voices. There is a part of every good writing instruction that borders on therapy and self-awareness.
They teach me humor and determination. They teach me how to grow and learn.
We keep our boundaries, the class is not a therapy class, but it is a powerful class where we seek voice and identity. It is a gift to me, I am sure I am learning far more than I am teaching. Different ages, points of view. These spirits are emerging, growing, responding to the call inside of them.
The thing about The Elixir is that it lives and evolves. For everything you bring back, you are given a dozen things in return. In this way, you are on the path to actually knowing something.