I asked Bob if I could take his portrait, he works at the Cambridge Recycling Station. He always has a biscuit for Red or Fate and he always rushes over to the car and takes the heavy garbage cans away from when I try to carry them to the trash bin. He is gracious to everybody at the Recycling Station – we will call it the town dump – but ever since he heard about my open heart surgery, I have not been able to carry a can to the trash bin.
I sometimes feel old when people carry things for me, but sometimes, I am grateful I don’t have to lug those heavy cans.
He has a face full of character, a strong and kind man. I asked him if I could take his photo with the new monochrome camera, he said “sure.” One of the many things I love about living where I live is that people have not really learned to be suspicious or wary, even of strange outlander men with big cameras. They just say sure, they don’t even ask me what I plan to do with the pictures. I told him he was about to be better known, he just smiled. I think I’ll add him to the list of regular portraits – Kelly at the Bog, Scott Carrino, now Bob – on my list. This is where I live, this is my community. I am pleased to know people like Bob.