I’m happy to report that the Round House Cafe has raised more than $37,000 in its two week gofundme campaign to purchase the building where the cafe has been for the past three years. The landlord is putting it up for sale. People come into the cafe every day with checks, even cash.
The campaign has rallied the town and focused its attention on the need to keep the community we have.
All across America, community has been bleeding out of rural communities, threatened by the exodus of good jobs to the cities, abandoned by the economists and politicians as inefficient, ravaged by companies fleeing overseas and by trade agreements that benefit some but not others.
The farms are dying off and the box stores are smothering Main Streets all across America. My town is fighting back, it has a wonderful and successful independent bookstore, an beloved old vaudeville house functioning as a theater, arts and education center and now, a much love cafe, already the heart and soul of the town.
Tonight, the Dread Resistors band performed their Reggae music at the Round House on Friday’s regular pizza night, the cafe was packed, the music was wonderful, everyone around us was telling us how grateful they are that the Round House is there, and how desperate they are to have it stay.
If you have helped Scott and Lisa Carrino by contributing to this campaign, thank you. If not, you still can. If you can’t or choose not to, then thanks for reading this far, your consideration is appreciated. The money will go for a down payment so Scott and Lisa Carrino get buy the old bank building and get a mortgage. It’s a great start. Community lives here, and we will fight for it.
If we can do it here, you can do it there. The Round House Building Campaign.