We opened up the rear gate and let Chloe and the donkeys come out to get their first grass of the season and mow the back lawn where the dogs hang out. It’s still cold, so the grass hasn’t really come up yet, but this weekend should get it moving. We are putting in a short electrified fence in the rear to section off some grass, with the pony we need to be rotational grazing regularly.
Ponies (and horses) eat continuously, they kill off the grass by pulling it up from the roots, so we need to section off the area behind the barn as a kind of paddock. This time of year especially, we have to watch how much she eats, ponies can get sick from the sugar in Spring grass if they eat too much. They can also founder.
We hope to have the fence up in a few weeks, Todd Mason is coming to do it. Maria and I sat out in lawn chairs and talked and hung out with the equines, it was warm and sweet, we feel fortunate to be able to do that.