For some reason, the woods are a cathedral to me, a temple, I think of Jesus an also of the Kabbalah when I am out in the woods, there is something holy about walking among the big and beautiful trees. The peeling bark on the aging trees calls me to photos.
Verse: “Go to yourself, know your self, fulfill your self.”
“This verse is addressed to every person. Search and discover the root of your soul, so that you can fulfill it and restore it to its source, its essence. The more you fulfill your self, the closer you approach your authentic self.”
That is the verse of the ancient mystics who believed that God’s hope for people was that they be fulfilled.
Today, the message so many of us have received is different:
Hide and suppress the root of your soul, so that you can be angry and self-pitying and lead a hollow and substitute life so that others can make money and stifle your spirit. The less you fulfill yourself, the richer the coffers of the greedy people at the top of our world.
I prefer God’s verse. Be fulfilled, not afraid.