The Bejosh Farm Journal is an extraordinary personal and creative achieivement by Carol and Ed Gulley, dairy farmers from White Creek, N.Y. and close friends. They put up their new blog a month or so ago, and they have both done a brilliant job of capturing the life of the farmer in America for all of its joys, hard work, and intense connections to nature and life.
Friday, their cow Jesse was struggling to give birth and Ed decided he had to pull the calf out to save it, Carol thought to take a video of it, the video is amazing for the window it provides to nature and the life of the farmer, who is called up to do so many different and unexpected things. It is also a spectacular vignette of nature, the real lives of real animals, not our emotionalized notion of pets.
No one lives closer to nature, loves animals more, or has more vivid experiences to share than the farmer. Here is the video. It transfixed me, and Maria as well. Come and see, and also be sure to check out this amazing blog, they have really figured out how to do it, and they are the busiest people on the earth.
The blog is funny, touching, revealing and honest. You can subscribe and get it every day.
I amĀ especially proud of Ed and Carol, when Maria and I first broached the idea of the blog a couple of months ago, they had never heard of one. Now, they have one of the best and most surprising and entertaining blogs I know of. Check out the video and the blog and enter the lives of the small family farmer, a vanishing breed.
(The name of the calf is Peeps).