A special week for me, for us.
– First, some book news. My next book, “Talking To Animals,” fifteen years in the making, has been scheduled for publication – April, 2017, Simon and Schuster. I talked on the phone with my editors today and have about a week’s worth of revisions to do, including two new chapters.
I am proud of this book and eager for it to come out. My books occupy a different place in my creative life than they used to, but they are important to me, they are stlll, in many ways, who I am, an author, a book writer. And now a blogger. I wanted only one thing in my life, and that was to be a writer, and that is what I am.
How lucky, I have a big publisher committed to my next book. A book tour and all that, some sales for Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books, perhaps (we’ll give away some tote bags). How lucky I am to do what I love. Publishing is not simple or easy these days, I am proud to still be a part of it.
– The news at the farm is different. Big news in the pasture. Maria has retired her important French green boots – $8 at the consignment store in town. They were hurting her feet, I bullied her into going to Tractor Supply and getting some new blue ones (above), they are not as stylish but they are comfortable and they make a great clopping noise. And they are dry and warm. The French boots went to the American Legion clothing distribution center.
She and Chloe clop-clop together to the feeder every morning. Chloe is always thrilled to have food. Red is keeping the sheep at bay.
-Also this week, Scott and Lisa Carrino will launch their $75,000 gofundme project on Thursday, I will be linking to it and making noise about it. A big win for community if it works. The Round House Cafe building has been put up for sale, they need to buy it in order to stay there.
-We are plotting and scheming a getaway for early April. We have not had a vacation in some time, we are perfecting the idea of the small trip. We want to get to a beach, we are scouring the Internet for cheap rooms near the water in New Hampshire, where I have never been (except on a book tour.) We figure two days. I would love to give Maria a real vacation, but that is not in the cards for now.
I felt especially lucky today and this week. A few years ago, my life fell apart and I thought I would never put the pieces back. Seven months ago, we had to file for bankruptcy and we thought we would lose our home. We came out of bankruptcy, and are recovering. I am as much in love as I was when I married Maria five years ago. I have a book coming out next year, and my agent loves my idea for the next one.
I’ve been getting up at 3 a.m. to work on the revisions, I’ve done three chapters already. Going to keep up this face until it’s done. I am tired.
I know so many writers have left publishing, given up on earning a living and writing books. I will never give up, not as long as I can breathe. Maria and I have left behind our hollow lives, and filled them up. My great fortune is to see her make her beautiful art and sell it as quickly as she makes it. She is living her dreams as well, ours have been hard fought but sweet and appreciated. Dreams are like that. A good week for me, for us.