Today, a gift for Maria, and also, to be truthful, for me. We are having a day of silent meditation, walking in nature, being together, celebrating our lives, and re-committing ourselves to one another and to the way we hope and wish to live. In a time of conflict and anxiety for many, we wish to ground ourselves.
We are going off to Pompanuck Farm, a beautiful and safe place for us to retreat for a bit and center ourselves.
This is something we do from time to time, it is always beautiful and affirming. We will spent the day walking in the woods, being with our dogs, loving each other. We will have some hours in silent contemplation, some time to read, some time to think and hold hands and count our many blessings. We are so lucky to have one another, to love one another, to do our work, to have our friends, to be growing and learning and changing together.
Here, at this point in our lives, we are strong and we are hoping to do good, bringing our elixir back to the world, sharing what little we know, hungry to learn more. This morning, more angry and disturbing news. This seems to be a new and daily ritual of our lives, I feel for those who are upset and troubled. Today, I re-commit to voting with my life, not my mouth. By being fulfilled, compassionate, open to the ideas of others.
We will be back home this afternoon, enriched, I believe, and at peace.