My writing class is deepening, enriching, challenging. Every week, we explore the boundaries of creativity and fear, creativity and the sub-conscious, creativity and voice, creativity and life. Real people seeking to explore the real issues and challenges and experiences of life in stories, poems, essays and perhaps books.
A doctor seeks to shape her ethical and very loving notions of medicine. A young man explores his agonizing decision to upend his life. A dairy farmer writes about the grinding realities of family farming. A beloved school teacher uses words to come to terms with loss. A single mother seeks liberation from the disappointment of online dating. A professor and missionary builds a new life on faith and compassion.
An artist and writer works through depression to make creativity an integral part of her existence. A young academic and mother carves out time to write.
We talk openly and honestly. I am challenged as often as they are, it is, I hope, as good for me as it is for them. I teach something every week, I learn something every week. We are constructing a safe place to creative a supportive community – something I have often tried and often failed at doing. But not this time, I think, there is a chemistry and commitment in the room that is, I think, for real.
It is good to meet every week at the Pompanuck Farm retreat, the place itself is nurturing and soothing. We signed up for four weeks and are in our fourth month. I hope we go a long time farther. I have often seen and believed that much of the writing teaching that is done to children makes them feel stupid and inept. It is about what they don’t know, and what they do wrong. It promotes fear and discomfort.
Creativity is the opposite of those things. It sometimes requires bravery and hard work, but it is about liberation and identity. About overcoming fear, and taking the leap of faith to find voice and stand in truth.
The job of the teacher is to find the passion in the human soul and draw it out, invite it into the open. To encourage and support. The job of the teacher is to learn something about every student every time they meet. I have a great class.