Twice a day, I take Red and Fate out to the side pasture, I give Red directional herding commands (there are no sheep) and they get to run at full tilt, something I think is wonderful for dogs like border collies to do twice a day, but not for too long or more often. Fate, it seems, does not have the full prey drive to move sheep or herd them fully, she has explosive energy and loves and needs to run.
Red has enormous stamina and presence out in the pasture, and he also runs effortlessly for long periods. This running keeps both of them in shape, gives them an outlet for the enormous energy well-bred border collies have, and is always a joy to watch. Even Fate rests after our running time, although not for too long. Red is nine years old now, Fate is one, and when she explodes, she runs faster, but he more than holds his own.
When we do this, the dogs brace one another, Fate keys off of Red and circles in the opposite direction, often lying down or hiding in wait for him. He seems not to notice, rushing along on his beautiful outruns. One of the border collie purists once messaged me, she was outraged that I was giving directional signals without sheep, it was a violation of trust, she insisted, and I talked to some herding trainers, and learned once again not to listen to people who have nothing better to do than tell other people what to do.
It is a sacrament to me to learn for myself, I learn this almost every day of my life. I love giving my dogs the chance to fully live the lives of dogs, insofar as is possible in our world. So at the request of many of you, I shot a video of the running dogs this morning and put it up on You Tube.