Something new and quite remarkable came from the fevered brain of my wonderful wife yesterday, the first of a series of Bedlam Farm Tote Bags from her Schoolhouse Studio. This one features one of her very popular and eclectic goddesses, others will have donkeys, cats, chickens or whatever comes out of her artistic ferment.
I have to say I love these tote bags, Maria wants to make at least 30 of them, sell them right away and perhaps save some for the June Open House, or if she is sold out, get some new bags. This one, the first, will go up for sale this morning for $35 plus shipping. You can check out the tote bags and Maria’s other art on her blog.
The bag is made of canvas, the drawings with permanent magic marker. The prices might vary, depending on the drawings and how much time they take (warning, she does not take custom orders for stuff like this, she makes it and offers it for sale as is, and bless her for that.)
Maria’s art is evolving as rapidly as she is, it is a celebration of nature, independence, the divine feminine and the idea of finding voice and identity through art. I don’t think she would describe herself as a feminist artist – we both choose to define ourselves – but I see some powerful feminist themes emerging in her art and her life as she figures out who she is, what she wishes her art to do, and seeks to define her own sense of strength and decency.
From the first, Maria seized upon potholders as a kind of inexpensive and utilitarian art, are that can be seen, used and hung on walls. I think the tote bags are another step in that evolution, I can’t wait to see what goes into these bags. She’s excited. There is nothing more important than being fulfilled.