Last week, I drove my friend Scott down the road to see Bejosh Farm, the home of Ed and Carol Gulley. He was blown away by the folk and farm art Ed has made out of discarded parts and debris from the farm (there is always a lot). He especially loved the Mr. Blockhead sculptures (I have one of them in my office at home).
So today I went down to the farm and bought one of the Mr. Blockheads and brought them to Pompanuck Farm and the Sugar House, where Scott and I have spent so many wonderful hours boiling sap and bullshitting. Our rich friendship grew there. Scott was amazed and delighted by his new Mr. Blockhead, he loves him. We put him in front of the sugar house for now, and he’ll be moved later up to the main house and bakery on the farm.
I hear from people every day telling me how much they love Ed and Carol Gulley’s Bejosh Farm Journal, they are getting visitors and followers from all over the country. We are pushing Ed to have his own art show sometime later this year. You can check out Carol and Ed’s blog here, and also subscribe. Their goal is to capture the real life of the family farmer, and they are doing so with humor, stories, videos and thoughtful observations.
Ed is also going to use the blog as a vehicle for showing and selling his unique and compelling art.
The blog is great fun, but if you read it, you will also learn a lot of serious truth about food and the farmer’s life, and the farmer’s challenges. Ed is also a student now in my writing class, if his voice gets any stronger, he’ll melt his computer.