I brought Fate to the sugar house at Pompanuck today, she made her presence felt. She jumped into the fish pond in pursuit of some fish, she plunged into a pool near the garden, she ate compost, she raided the chicken roost, did not bother the chickens but grabbed a two-foot long loaf of bread the bakery had left for the chickens to eat, carried it all the way down the hill and brought it to me and Scott as a gift.
She pursued chipmunks and moles, moved a few chickens around, explored the bakery, which she once raided and liberated some bread and muffins. She spent some time cuddling with Scott and checking on me.
I was afraid she would leap into the boiling vat of sap Scott had been cooking, but she was good in the sugar house. She was covered in mud and soaked when she left, she the farm was more or less intact. The car will smell a good while. The good news is that while she explored the farm happily for two hours, she stayed close, came right away when called. She is a wonderful dog, and we are blessed to have her.