I didn’t know when I married my wife that she is a Pagan Witch, a good witch, most of the time, but I have no doubt she would have been burned at the stake or driven into the woods for much of human history. It was 50 degrees when we went outside this morning, I didn’t need a jacket for the first time in months. The sun loves a pagan, and loves a good witch. The witch and the pagan both love the sun.
Maria talks to animals all the times, and it would not surprise me to see her dancing naked in the woods, smearing mud and animal parts on her body and chanting to the sun. She lives by the seasons, and when the sun shines warmly on her, she opens up like a Dahlia. She and her pony were joyous this morning, touching noses, communing, soaking up the warmth.
We are going to have a good day, we walked in the woods and there were incantations, murmurings and talk of new potholders. The sun shines on the good witch.