We love walking in the deep woods, they are beautiful and spiritual, a cathedral, we walk in silence – silence is not our natural gear sometimes – and soak up solitude and our company at the same time. The dogs love it in the woods, they tear back and forth on the paths, playing tag.
Fate often torments Red, she steals his bones and treats, pounces on him, grabs him by the collar and tries to pull him down. Sometimes, he torments her, as on the path above. Red is a patient dog, he can be still for hours, Fate has a small nuclear reactor embedded in her somewhere, she is like me, a minute is an eternity.
Red’s revenge is sit quietly on the path while Fate goes into her herding crouch, waiting for him to move. I sometimes picture him sitting on the path with a cigar, he is in no hurry at all. Eventually, Fate cracks and charges up the hill and the two of them take off in a race to the bottom of the path. In any contest of patience, Fate will lose, and Red will win.