Border collies do not want to stay in bed on cold and rainy mornings, they do not wish they could have a day off, they are never reluctant to shoot out the door, in any kind of weather, at any time of the day or the night. The thing that makes border collies not for everyone is that they are ADD dogs, they live to work, think, move.
Whenever I step outside, for any reason, for any length of time, the border collies are at the door, ready and eager to get outside. When I had the wonderful Lab Lenore, she was delighted to go climb up on the sofa and take a nap when I went outside in the rain, she thought the border collies all crazy for running around like loons in the heat. When she went out in the pasture, she would like down and take in the view.
For border collies, life is exciting when their humans stand up to stretch, go to the bathroom, take the garbage out. They are up, focused, at the door, ready. Life is always exciting, work is just around every corner.
Border collies promote youth and energy, you simply cannot grow old around them, it is not allowed or tolerated. You will take walks, herd sheep, throw sticks, trek into the woods, you and the dogs being active together, stretching the boundaries of life and energy. These are the dogs for me, but that does not mean they are for everyone.