Our friend Deb Foster came over to Bejosh Farm with Maria and I to help Ed and Carol Gulley set up their new blog, tentatively called the Bejosh Farm Journal. Ed and Carol both plan to write on the blog. Deb is constructing it at blogger.com, its about the realities of farm life. They want to explain what life on a small dairy farm is really like and speak for the farmers, an embattled tribe in the age of the new economy.
Ed has lots of stories to tell, and he tells them well. He has a lifetime of extraordinary experience to share, and I’m excited to see this blog get online.
One of his first pieces is about cowpies, those droppings that look like shit to passersby but are much more than that in the eyes of the farmer, they each tell their own stories.
The Gulleys just got their first computer, and Carol even got an Iphone, a leap into the 21st Century. They are serious about telling their story. Ed’s fingers are numb from decades of hard outdoor work, so he will dictate his stories to Carol, who will type his and hers into the computer.
A classic kind of Gulley piece, I think, surprising and interesting and in his own very distinctive voice. Deb ran into some technical troubles tonight, we are reconvening at Bejosh Farm Thursday afternoon to get them sorted out. We’ll get it done.
Hopefully, the blog will be up and running tomorrow night. It’s called the Bejosh Farm Journal. Updates to come.