Red joined Scott and I at the Pompanuck Farm Sugar House this afternoon, Red and Scott and buddies. We had a scary moment or two with Red later in the day, we went out to feed the animals and Chloe, who got excited about her hay, stepped backwards and onto Red’s front paw, pressing it down into the ground.
Red couldn’t move, he helped and then nipped at Chloe’s rear leg, she jumped and then went after him, charging with her head down. She went after Fate also, she was just in the way. I gave the dogs the “away” command and saw that Red was running fine. Chloe had no real bite marks, I think it was just a nip, the whole thing looked worse than it was,but it was unnerving, Chloe could have stomped Red right into the ground, Fate as well, and she was angry and upset.
Two minutes later, Red was back at work and Chloe was eating at the feeder. Everything seemed to return to normal. We’ll keep an eye on it, one of those encounters that reminds us that farm is unique, that things can always happen there, and it is good to be alert and quick-thinking.