Sometimes I think my life is a series of epiphanies, Fate is a creature of epiphanies, she is a passionate explorer and discover of the world, curious and vigilant and determined. An epiphany is a term from ancient Greece, it can be a manifestation or sudden realization, it is often used to describe scientific breakthroughs or profound spiritual discoveries.
In ordinary life, it can apply in any situation that allows a problem or solution to be understood from a new and perhaps wiser perspective. Epiphanies are considered critical in the study of innovation, also in self-discovery and awareness.
I think for me, an epiphany enables me to sense creation not as something that is finished or complete, but as something living and organic, something that is constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This is so important to the workings of my mind, to the idea of staying open. Epiphanies transport me from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything speaks of rebirth and renewal, where heaven and earth can rejoice at the very idea of creation.
And so, I had an epiphany this morning, standing on the road, watching Fate vanish into her beloved meadow, I had to look carefully to even see her, it is beautiful here at any time of the year. My connection with Fate is this sense of discovery, of continuing epiphanies. She is always showing hers to me, I am always offering mine to her. Dogs can do that for us, if we pay attention to them, they are open and alert to the sights and smells and sounds of the world, they live in a place where there is nothing new and nothing old, where everything renews itself.
What a gift to me, to us.