Maria’s restoration attack on the dining room continues, yesterday the painted the dining room ceiling – the darkest room in the farmhouse – turquoise, today she wants to paint our long dining room table a salmon pink. We talked about the color a good long time, then rushed with Fate to the hardware store to get the paint mixed.
Fate is very happy at the Ace hardware store on Main Street, Wesley and Nancy dote on her, ply her with biscuits, and being obsessively curious she loves to watch the cash register transactions. Wesley has a jar of biscuits right by the counter, she doesn’t mind those either. Fate is a joy to go places with, she loves everyone, is interested in everything and once she settles down, actually behaves herself. She is the Joy Dog, she spreads smiles and good feelings and makes loving life infectious.
At the moment, Maria is putting a second coat on the ceiling, then I will sand the table, then she will paint it. Photos to come. The house is looking snappy, and it is a pleasure to be married to a true obsessive. I recommend it.