Ed Gulley, a friend and dairy farmer joined the writing class last week, he wants to start his own blog and capture the life of the farmer, an endangered species without much voice.
Ed has a lot of voice, he is a natural writer and story-teller, a great boon to the class. He wrote a short piece about his very tough and sharp-tongued and demanding father, also a farmer, a man he struggled to love until later in life. Of his father he wrote, “one could say looking back, these well placed words carried immense reason and power, as even today they echo throughout my days as if scripted in a movie.”
When he smashed some fingers with a hammer, all his father said was “it’s a long way from your heart.” He said his father taught him how to endure pain and to work hard every day.
In his early teenage years, Ed wrote in his piece, “when I was a half-foot taller and 60 lbs heavier than my Dad, as I was struggling to lift something or loosen a bolt on a piece of equipment he could come and accomplish it with ease.”
His father told him “I’m a tuff son-er-bitch I be, I got a double row of tits, one on each side.”
To his surprise, Ed finds himself quoting some of those same old catchphrases to his own kids. “I’d say a farm amount of those seeds grew.” I think it’s going to be a sweet blog.
Ed and Red have bonded, Ed is a mush for dogs.